Galatians 4 (Kyle McCallum)
Kyle McCallum teaches over Galatians 4 which uses the Old Testament to describe Grace.
Finding who you are in Christ
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Kyle McCallum teaches over Galatians 4 which uses the Old Testament to describe Grace.
Corey Tarter and Jordan Yoerger teach about how the world we live in is meaningless, but it doesn’t have to be this way if we have Jesus Christ in our lives.
Kate Smith and Kathryn Hughes teach about how Jesus changes people lives and why He wants to do it through the example of Peter.
Combined IP taught by Joel Hughes, then three Testimonies.
Movements: May 4, slavery, women’s right to vote Now: Kony, Wall street, YOLO- stupid & insignificant. Don’t really care about these movements too much What if there was a revolution today worth fighting for?...